7 Signs You’re Still a Beginner Web Developer

Ali Hossain
2 min readMay 14, 2023


In this article, I’ll be discussing 7 signs that show you’re still a beginner web developer. These are things that even experienced developers can fall into from time to time, so don’t worry if you recognize some of them in yourself. The point is to be aware of them and work on improving your skills. Let’s get started!

01. You rely too much on copy-pasting code:

As a beginner, it’s natural to look for solutions online and use code that others have written. But if you find yourself copy-pasting entire chunks of code without understanding how it works, you’re missing valuable learning opportunities. For example, you want to create a button that changes color when clicked. You might find a code snippet online that does just that, but if you don’t take the time to figure out how it works, you won’t be able to customize it or adapt it to other situations.

02. You don’t use version control:

Version control systems like Git are essential for collaborating with other developers and keeping track of changes to your code. If you’re still manually copying and pasting files or creating backup folders, you’re wasting time and setting yourself up for potential disasters.

03. You don’t test your code:

It’s easy to assume that your code works perfectly until someone else tries to use it and finds a bug. Testing your code thoroughly before deploying it can save you a lot of headaches down the line. For example, you might want to try using different browsers or devices to see how your website or app behaves in different situations.

04. You don’t comment on your code:

Code can quickly become unreadable if you don’t add comments explaining what it does and why. Comments can also help you remember why you wrote a particular piece of code months or years later.

05. You don’t optimize your code:

Web pages and applications can become slow and bloated if you don’t optimize your code for performance. Techniques like minification, compression, and caching can significantly affect how fast your site loads and how responsive it feels.

06. Not Staying Up-to-date:

Web standards like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and techniques is essential to stay competitive in the field. Professional web developers should always be learning and improving their skills.

07. You don’t keep learning:

Finally, if you’re still a beginner web developer, it’s essential to keep learning and improving your skills. There are always new technologies, techniques, and best practices to discover, and the more you know, the more valuable you’ll be as a developer.

That’s all, What do you think about this post, please let me know in the comment. Thanks for your time.



Ali Hossain

WordPress Developer & WooCommerce Expert | Front End Web Developer | Mastered explaining very complex topics in a simple manner